Sunday, November 27, 2011

D.C. 11/22/11-11/23/11

 Garth messing a chicken up while on the march! Now that is multitasking.

 I love what Melvin is holding - NEVER GIVE IT BACK!

 A celebratory snap shot after our public GA/ press conference.

 Let them hear ya, D.C.!

 After we were hosted at this church we held a 10 person protest as Obama's motorcade drove by. Talk about timing!

 The opening toast of the marchers celebrating at Recessions in DC!

 Everyone's Mick Jagger was coming out of them on the dance floor =)

 Kelly, myself and Sara. We're better than girl power because we're WOMEN!

 Michael was getting down with his bad self. After they played "I Got 5 On It" it was all down hill, haha.

FIN! Thank you guys so much for being such amazing people. We made it!!!!!

College Park 11/21/11

 Eric decided to pop my blister and wrap it before we started marching. I had to close my eyes tight and pretend he wasn't stabbing me!

 My boy Mike always cool, calm, and collected while chowing down on some bread on a very hectic morning.

 Owen's dream-catcher for the city of Baltimore!

 Alex, Owen, and Knoxville visibly tired after a 31.6 mile day.

 Our collection of flags the day before we arrive in D.C.

Awesome painting I snapped a photo of before we left Baltimore.

Baltimore 11/19/11-11/20/11

 Awesome record room in the house we were offered shelter in. This house was beyond beautiful!

 Jackie, John, and Cologino hanging out in the music room.

 Troy found the laser gun, now we're in trouble!

 Owen's coat and hubcap rings on the day after his birthday.

 The peace flag chilling up against one of the 2 pianos.

 Owen's feet on a cold night.

 Paulie's watching the master at work. He was scared he wouldn't finish the dream-catcher on time so Owen was determined to pay no attention to distractions.

 Thank you, Baltimore for 3 great welcomes! This flag made a few of us tear up.

 Proof that when you follow your dreams sometimes they are answered. No matter where life may lead us, I know the people I've met on this journey have forever altered my way of thinking.

There was love in the air in Baltimore. "Don't you two ever get tired?" - Mike =)

Joppatowne 11/18/11

 I love this picture. Michael looks so happy to have met The Goldfather!

 A picture I took of the group while I was riding with Troy. My knee was messed up so I rode until lunch time then I walked.

 Check it out - Troy and I pulled the cops over!

 Yeah, that happened <3

 Everyone hanging out after another long day of marching.

 Michael: Hippy road kill!

 The press conference held in the basement. "Say your name slower." "Turrrr-tle."

 Owen's dream-catcher for the home owners =)

 Lyndon carrying the awesome peace flag.

"You matter!" Throw up the deuces, Jason and Owen.

Havre de Grace 11/17/11

 Group photo op near a huge, fake fire. Hey, Mike, did a deer hunt your car?

 The po-po would not let us cross the bridge on foot so they got us two buses instead to help us cross.

 The police station in the town that gave us warm shelter for the night.

 Troy! Tell them how it goes, brother!

 Turtle looks so lost, hehe. Everyone happy to have reached our destination.

 Me (Merielle) hanging out with the young crowd of Havre de Grace! These kids knew what was up and it was great chatting with them!

 Owen always has the best ideas!

 This bathroom is what? Occupied!

 He was the originator of the fireplace photo-op!

Mike and Josh chilling out in the church after a tense GA.

Newark 11/16/11

 Mike enjoying the foot spa after a long, cold, rainy day.

 My foot got a boo-boo on top of being blistered, water logged, and swollen. This is how much I love you, America!

 Everyone getting warm in the church.

 Jason and Paulie talking about sleeping realty - Jason took under the table, Paulie and I beside the closet.

 Jason checking out Adam's foot. We were all hurting at this point.

 Turtle and Mike filling up on snacks for another wet, cold day.

 It's the man behind the shades and the girl with the peace sign. "Find a bush, you dirty hippies!"

 It was love at first sight for Owen's feet!

Waiting to leave at the Post Office in Newark, DE.

Eric, The Man, checking out Paulie's feet.